Female Pattern Baldness

By |2018-06-07T09:02:57-06:00January 27th, 2014|Categories: Female Hair Loss, Hair Loss, Hair Restoration, Nebraska, Omaha|Tags: , |

Female Pattern Baldness? Most of us have heard of the term male pattern baldness, but what about female pattern baldness? That’s right, pattern baldness a condition that impacts both men and women. In fact, 40% of hair loss suffers in the Unites States are women. The leading cause of hair [...]

FUE – The Next Generation of Hair Transplantation

By |2018-06-07T09:02:57-06:00January 27th, 2014|Categories: FUE, Hair Restoration, Hair Transplant, Lincoln, Nebraska, Omaha|Tags: , |

FUE - The Next Generation of Hair Transplantation If you’re currently exploring your hair restoration options, you may very well be considering a hair transplant. If you’re one of the millions who have heard horror stories of hair transplants gone wrong, or unsightly “hair plugs” we encourage you to do [...]