3 Habits to Break Today that Can Lead to Hair Loss

By |2018-06-07T09:02:56-06:00April 28th, 2014|Categories: Hair Loss, Hair loss solutions Lincoln|Tags: |

If you have begun notice excess strands of hair in your shower drain or brush, you may mistakenly believe that you have no control over your advancing hair loss. But thinning hair isn’t just due to aging, in some cases your lifestyle choices may actually be contributing factors. If you [...]

Nourish Your Hair with a Healthy Diet

By |2018-06-07T09:02:57-06:00April 10th, 2014|Categories: Hair Loss, Hair Loss Control Products, Hair loss solutions Lincoln, Hair Restoration|Tags: , , |

Are you noticing that your hair is finer and more brittle than it once was? Perhaps you’re watching your hairline recede. While there are no simple dietary tricks that will make your hair miraculously fuller and thicker, your nutrition definitely has an effect on the health and vitality of your [...]